While we make reasonable endeavours in ensuring that purchased Products are delivered to you in a timely manner and within the timeline notified to you, you accept and acknowledge that the delivery may be delayed on account of:

(a) Logistical issues beyond our control;

(b) Unsuitable weather conditions;

(c) Political disruptions, strikes, employee-lockouts, etc.;

(d) Acts of God such as floods, earthquakes, etc.;

(e) Other unforeseeable circumstances.

In such events of delay, we shall make reasonable attempt to inform you by writing to your email ID and/or mobile number registered with us. We disclaim all liabilities that may arise on account of our failure to inform or notify you of delays in the delivery of purchased Products on the PurrfectPaws Platform. Further, we shall be under no obligation to compensate you for any claim that may otherwise arise on account of delay in the shipment or delivery or use of the purchased Products.